risE IN thE nOw
Play Heal Create Explore Share Uplift
shift sticky beliefs
Welcome to the Infinite Moment
You’re exactly where you meant to be.
I’m Phoenix
A Highly Sensitive being and your Cosmic wild card in this infinite game. Devoted to helping You learn how to play with new types of energy.
risE IN
thE nOw
Play Heal Create Explore Share Uplift
shift sticky beliefs
Welcome to the Infinite Moment
You’re exactly where you meant to be.
I’m Phoenix
A Highly Sensitive being and your Cosmic wild card in this infinite game. Devoted to helping You learn how to play with new types of energy.
phOENix hayEs-stEvENs
Highly sensitive cosmic wild card, super successful at being in the Now.
Here to help you play, explore, feel lighter, and shift sticky beliefs
“Did you find me? Did you find yourself?
YAAAS! Let’s discover fun stuff together!”
phOENix hayEs-stEvENs
Highly sensitive cosmic wild card, super successful at being in the Now.
Here to help you play, explore, feel lighter, and shift sticky beliefs
“Did you find me? Did you find yourself?
YAAAS! Let’s discover fun stuff together!”
i hEal
Healing is often the deepest and most immediate need—clearing blocks and healing wounds to create space for growth.
i gUIdE
After healing, people seek my guidance to find clarity and direction on their path.
i cOnsUlt
Once guidance is received, more personalised, in-depth consulting helps navigate specific challenges.
i activatE
Now, with healing and clarity, I can help you step into your power and activate your highest potential.
i hEal
Healing is often the deepest and most immediate need—clearing blocks and healing wounds to create space for growth.
i gUIdE
After healing, people seek my guidance to find clarity and direction on their path.
i cOnsUlt
Once guidance is received, more personalised, in-depth consulting helps navigate specific challenges.
i activatE
Now, with healing and clarity, I can help you step into your power and activate your highest potential.
i spEak
My Speaking engagements reach and inspire many, igniting transformation on a broader scale.
i prEsEnt
My Presenting and hosting events build on the momentum of speaking, creating deeper, transformative experiences.
i wrItE
My writing continues to inspire, uplift, and reach people, allowing them to integrate what they’ve learned.
i crEatE
Creation is the culmination—using all the previous energies to birth new experiences, projects, and content that continue to uplift.
i pLaY
Play represents the essence of joy and lightness, sustaining the energy of all the previous work. It’s where the journey circles back to the joy of simply being.
i spEak
My Speaking engagements reach and inspire many, igniting transformation on a broader scale.
i prEsEnt
My Presenting and hosting events build on the momentum of speaking, creating deeper, transformative experiences.
i wrItE
My writing continues to inspire, uplift, and reach people, allowing them to integrate what they’ve learned.
i crEatE
Creation is the culmination—using all the previous energies to birth new experiences, projects, and content that continue to uplift.
i pLaY
Play represents the essence of joy and lightness, sustaining the energy of all the previous work. It’s where the journey circles back to the joy of simply being.
phOENix is a FrEqUEncY
Transformative Love—alchemy in its most potent form.
What’s your frequency?
you need
to Be
This is your NOW.
Curious to see where you’ll go.
ExpEriEncE sOmething diffErEnt
Leave Your Email
Listen To Your Heart.
Be The Gift You’re Here To Give.
“Phoenix embodies the journey of the Tree of Life, guiding you from separation to unity. Her essence is a beacon, inviting you to remember that you are the One, and the One is you.”
The Whole Tree – The Story of Divine Union
lEt’s cONNEct
Ready to co-create, invest, or collaborate?
Thank you for being here.
You are a gift, wrapped in love.
To the stars and back to infinity and beyond.
P.S:- False Beliefs can feel sticky. Only because they are so clever at getting you to believe you should hold onto them.
My favourite Cosmic joke is about a stick
Share a cosmic joke with Me
[Make Phoenix Laugh And Win]